Commercial debt recovery has become a major part of our business and we operate on a ‘no-win, no-fee’ basis, so if we don’t collect, there’s no charge.

Slow payment can squeeze the lifeblood out of any company, especially in the current economic climate.

If you have commercial debts up to 6 years old, we can help. We have a courteous but firm and professional approach and we understand that you may want to maintain a business relationship.

Quite often, a personal visit or a polite but firm letter from a professional third party company is all that’s needed to obtain payment. But if it’s not, we can take it further for you, and we have an excellent recovery record. The ultimate enforcement solution is High Court Enforcement – click the link to see our separate page on this.

Good Terms and Conditions of Trading (T&Cs) are essential for commercial business relationships and are there to be relied on when recovering debt. If yours aren’t up to date, are insufficient or even if you don’t have any at all (this is actually quite common) we can offer you advice. Contact us.

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